Why Windeed

Wind Turbine

Energy crises and climate change are pressing challenges facing humanity today. Sustainable development requires much more clean and affordable energy for all.

Our purpose is to provide superior technology and industrialization of floating offshore wind power, lowering costs and environmental impact, to meet the need for more clean energy.

Clean energy abundance is our vision. We take pride in handing over a more sustainable planet to our grandchildren.

Who we are

We are a pioneering company, using the best experts globally.

Sweden pioneered wind power starting in the 1970s. We are a fast-growing company rooted in Sweden with a global horizon and market.

Windeed pioneers floating wind power. The inventor of the Windeed concept was involved in earlier technical concepts. The design and concept are backed by leading experts and computer analyses as well as laboratory tests. Key patents are filed.

The team of employees, consultants and sounding board involves world class expertise in technology and project execution.

Why floating offshore

More than 70% of earth is covered by water

Floating offshore wind has superior potential and will play a vital role to reach net zero targets. Just one percent of the global offshore wind resource could generate enough electricity to meet the current global demand. More than 70% of earth is covered by water. Winds speeds are higher and more constant at sea. In addition, offshore wind power means less disturbance for people and the environment compared to onshore.

Most offshore wind resources are in deep waters of more than 60 m, where bottom-fixed foundations are not suitable. Floating platforms enables standardization with less tailoring to the sea bed. The floating wind turbines can be deployed in flexible locations, out of sight and with less environmental impact. Last, but not least, floating offshore wind power has the potential to lower the total cost.


of earth is covered by water


Offshore wind resources +60m depth


Global need for electricity potential via offshore wind

The company name Windeed

Windeed builds partnerships that provide complete solutions for floating offshore wind.


innovative, dynamic, front-runner


fast, agile, powerful


clean energy for all, sustainable


professional, bold, determined

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